Sunday, August 8, 2010

Peer Comments and Site Supervisor Meeting

Peer Comments
I received three comments from my peers on my action research plan. They provided good feedback and all of them mentioned how thorough my plan is. My peers provided very good suggestions to enhance my plan. I had stated that the teachers needed to meet State Board of Education Certifications (SBEC) standards and one of the comments recommended clarifying the standard. I will take their advice and change it to meets SBEC technology standards. The second commenter stated “Please remember that to require teachers to attend technology training, its best that they first buy into the idea, or they might resist or simply go through the motions.” I need to clarify that these are trainings that already scheduled by the district to meet requirements. The action plan states that it will imbed technology integration into the trainings. The last commenter stated “what site or training material will you use to fill in their technology gaps?". I noted on the plan that one of the resources would be Infosource professional development. This focuses on just basic technology use all the way to using technology with special needs. I will note that during the trainings technology equipment such as digital projectors, document cameras, whiteboards, and Web 2.0 tools will be used during the curriculum department’s professional development. I will not change my plan since I already have it mentioned under my second outcome under resources in my SIP template. The comment provide multiple and collaborative views on my plan that will learn and enhance the processes in the action research.

Site Supervisor Meeting
I met with my site supervisor which just happens to be the assistant superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction. Since she has full schedule we had meeting late in the afternoon on August 6, 2010 at the Curriculum and Instruction department office located at our Lee Complex. I brought a copy of my SIP/PIP template and CARE Model planning tool. We discussed the goal and how it fits well into all the initiatives that outlined in by the state and national entities. In our discussion we visited the goals that where outlined by the school board, four of the goals focus on technology. We discussed that new teachers have basic technology skills as outlined by the SBEC standards. Our initial focus to assess all teachers and find what their competency level is which outlined in the plan. In our conversation we discussed how veteran teachers will provide a little resistance, but will come onboard when presented the pros versus the cons. We also discussed that since teachers get pulled out a lot for training there creates a void for instruction for the students. Imbedding technology integration when possible in professional development was mutually agreed upon. Since a group of teachers from each campus meet once a year to do curriculum writing, it was agreed that a component of the writing include technology. In focusing on the last outcome we spoke about teachers effectively using the equipment. She mentioned that my staff could be instrumental in ensuring that the teachers are prepared for the training by training them on technology use when possible so they can proficient in hands on use while in training. In our discussion we agreed on the plan and the only change from this meeting will be to include my staff as a resource in the last outcome. The biggest possible out of this meeting is the support that I am receiving from my site supervisor in going forward with this plan. We both agreed on the needs and issues that the plan outlines and how it would help in moving the district from a Recognized district to an Exemplary one. 

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