Friday, August 13, 2010

Class Reflections

In preparing for school improvement much of the research has been utilized from outside experts that tend to implement their results on schools. The outside experts are not privy to the specifics of the current status of our schools and sometimes their “cookie cutter” approach is not sufficient.

In the readings from Dana (2009) in Leading with passion and knowledge we were introduced to the differences between administrator inquiry and the traditional educational research. In utilizing the expertise inside our schools we can develop inquiries into our own issues/needs and develop action research to fit our special needs. This would enable us to delve into our issues/needs in a more granular level and at the same time build capacity within our administrators and staff. The book provided great information into the benefits of engaging in inquiry like collaboration, communication, and engagement in the needs of the schools. The nine passions that were outlined in the book illustrated the wonderings of our inquiry. The examples at the end of the chapter help me in finding the inquiry that we best suit the needs of the district and I was to find my professional strengths that would complement the action research. Later in the readings I read about the data collection strategies. I was familiar with the majority of the strategies, but the one that helped the most was the one on weblogs. This allows to journal all our activities and thoughts and as the book states “The comment feature of blogs allows principal-researchers to receive feedback from anyone in the world or other practitioner-researchers.”

In reading Examining what we do to improve our schools from Harris, S., Edmonson, S., & Combs, J. (2009) it provided the steps we should to go from analysis to action. The book provided the necessary steps in order to start our action research and complete it to a cyclic fashion in order to sustain improvement. The eight step process, the 7.1 template and the SIP template were very helpful in guiding us the action researchers to create and complete the plan.

The class videos with Dr. Elvis Arterbury and Dr. Steve Jenkins provided guidance and clarification with their nicely articulated speeches. With their clarifications at each week’s interval it provided us explicit explanations and steps in completing our action research. Their video presented great advice on the need for action research for school improvement and capacity building. The video conferences with Dr. Steve Jenkins were awesome. When we were working on the templates I felt lost and attended several of his sessions. I participated and he helped to get me to the next step of the project. Dr. Jenkins was quick to provide assistance after the session and quick to respond with answers and templates.

The discussion board provided much help with the interaction with my peers. I was able to identify how they approached their project and at the same time was sympathized about the similar problems we had. The board helped with the insight that was provided in their plans as well as the feedback from my other peers.

As I had mentioned above the blogs are a great idea to sustain the thoughts of our project. It enabled me to revisit and make adjustments as needed and it provided a refresher on my ideas. The comments from my peers helped me greatly since “two set of eyes are better than one.” There were several instances on my SIP template that I had failed to clarify my intentions and this was noted on the comments from my peers. In revisiting and assistance from my peers I was to refine my action research.

In visiting sites for my action research I came across an article Preparing schools for curricular reform: Planning for Technology vs. Technology Planning by Fishman, B., Pinkard, N., & Bruce, C. (1998) that helped in focusing my inquiry. The article states how they conducted their research and it specifically shows how technology equipment is underutilized. They illustrate how professional development and fitting technology with the curriculum would provide great strides in school improvement.

In conclusion this class has provided me with know how to conduct an action research. The books, assignments, lectures, and peer collaboration were instrumental in accomplishing all my tasks. I will look kindly on this class for empowering me to participate in inquiry and providing solutions at our district.


Dana, N.F. (2009). Leading with passion and knowledge: The principal as action researcher. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Fishman, B., Pinkard, N., & Bruce, C. (1998). Preparing schools for curricular reform: Planning for Technology vs. Technology Planning. Retrieved on August 01, 2010 from

Harris, S., Edmonson, S., & Combs, J. (2009). Examining what we do to improve our schools: 9 steps

Action Research Template

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