Sunday, November 21, 2010

CRAP About An Ancient Manuscript

I viewed the “The dedication of a church, in a Missal” and the border arraignment looked exquisite.  It gave it a vibrant and colorful look.  It is quite different to the readings found in our church which is mostly text, I guess this is to help you focus on the passages than get distracted by the design.  The colors are stood out from each other.  In viewing the manuscript, I found that it incorporated the C.R.A.P. principle.  There is black and red text on a white background for contrast.  There are varying colors on designs on a white background.  The black and red texts are repeated throughout the pages for emphasis.  The images and colors that constitute the border are repeated throughout as well as in the center of the columns of text.  The columns of text are aligned left and to the right. The prayers are aligned with the bishop in the first letter of the passage.  The titles are in red and the readings which are in black are aligned below.   The proximity of the designs on the border gives a symmetrical look.  The image of the bishop is the start of the readings.  All red lettering which could be titles or instructions are followed by black text which signify the start of the prayer.   The author used techniques such as the artistic border design, the use of the image of the pope encapsulated in a letter, and the red and black lettering to signify the important of the ancient manuscript and its relation to the church.

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